Daily Diary

Rainy Monday

The weekend was a good one.  I was focused on resting and recovery, and did well at those goals.  I chilled, I ate a bunch, I worked for hours on the new software and made a lot of headway.  I am so excited about where that is going, I didn’t sleep well in anticipation of continuing on today.  Stoked.

Today is going to be epic.  It’s an absolute deluge outside in the early dark right now, and I’m sitting here with the new fire and coffee, planning and relishing another day.  I’m so excited to finish this brick cook stove design, which I want to start building today out of eagerness, but…..I’ll wait a month or so.  Maybe.  I might do some laundry, I’m gonna list a few things online, and maybe get photos taken for a big run on the local sale list.  We’ll see.  All I know at the moment is that right now fucking rips, and I’m super thankful to have this opportunity to appreciate this day.  Can’t wait to see what it holds!  We got this team.

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