Daily Diary

Another Opportunity

Yesterday was a great day.  I had an excellent work day, got my boat almost done and got pulled to help on another boat.  Got that one a long ways and then headed out for errands then home.  Came home and rested and reflected, cleaned and ate and got into bed stoked on a great day.

Today is going to be amazing.  I’m up and at my handstands, it’s grey and cool out, and I’m going to make some progress today.  I’m so close to done with the boat that I’m not going in today or tomorrow, and am going to keep pushing on fence work here.  I’m hoping to complete fencing the E line and maybe start on new paddock divisions.  We will see how much I get done, but I’m so stoked to be here today and making progress.  Can’t wait to see what the day holds!

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