Daily Diary

Try Again

Yesterday was a great day.  I got down to the boat early and stayed there until evening.  It was crawling with workers and in a big rush, so we dug in and worked hard trying to hit a deadline.  I got a lot done, got my hours in, and had a great time hanging out with the finishing crew.  I came home with just enough time for food before I crashed.  It was a great day!

Today is going to be wonderful.  I’m up and at my workout, it’s clear and cool out, and I’m on deck for a great day.  I’m heading down to the water to help get this boat wrapped up and ready to go.  I imagine I’ll be there for a long day again, but perhaps we’ll get it done with some day left.  Not sure if I’ll do much more than work and eat and sleep today, but it’s going to be fantastic day either way.  Can’t wait to see how the day goes!

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